Southern Baptists dedicate the first Sunday in February to celebrate the work and leadership of African American and Black pioneers such as:

·         George Liele, who many acknowledge as the first overseas missionary from the United States in 1782.

·         Lott Carey, who organized African American missions in the 1800s.

·         S.M. Lockridge, who was a faithful preacher of the gospel in the 20th century.

·         Sid Smith, who was one of the first African American Southern Baptist denominational leaders in the modern era.

·         Fred Luter, who was elected as the first African American president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

We celebrate the life and work of these men by recognizing that their legacy encourages us to send more African American and Black missionaries. The world’s greatest problem is still lostness. No problem should unify us more because in the gospel, God has given the solution. Together, we share the good news of Jesus with people and places who have never heard the good news of salvation through Christ.