Fundit by Flocknote
Dear MBC Family,
We are moving our online giving to Fundit by Flocknote. This move will help us to be better stewards of your gifts for God's glory. Please contribute to the following funds as God directs. Please keep in mind gifts to the restricted funds categories should be gifts that God impresses you to give above and beyond your general tithes and offerings.
Special Offerings:
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering supporting Southern Baptist International Missionaries.
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering supporting Southern Baptist North American Missionaries.
Griffiths, Toothmans and Team Poland Special Projects helping these missionaries as they minister to Polish nationals and the many Ukrainian Refugees
Bags of Blessings (B.O.B.) to benefit this local ministry, providing snacks; especially for children; in our community.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) this fund will be used to provide materials for the MBC Vacation Bible School.
Special Projects supports ongoing capital improvement and special needs projects of Manchester Baptist Church.
Amazon Smile
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